Rabbi David Lau, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel addresses a crowd at the Young Israel of West Hempstead

David Baruch Lau, the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel

This past Sunday night, the Young Israel of West Hempstead, together with
Congregations Anshei Shalom, Eitz Chayim, BTU and Chabad of West
Hempstead sponsored an evening with David Baruch Lau, the Ashkenazi
Chief Rabbi of Israel. He was appointed to a 10-year term after achieving a
majority of the vote in 2013. He shares the title of Chief Rabbi with Rabbi
Yitzchak Yosef, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi.
The Rabbi spoke for 45 minutes at the week-attended event and then answered questions, many having to do with Israel and the many different cultures absorbed by Israel.
He stressed unity among the Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities and the
need for the Chief Rabbinate to set basic religious standards for the Jewish
people worldwide.

Twenty members of the West Hempstead Community Security Service (CSS) provided protection for the Rabbi during the event.