Bynoe Defeats Darling In Senate District Primary; Former NY Jet Wins Assembly Nod

Legislator Siela Bynoe
In yesterday’s primary for New York State Senator, 6th District, Sela A. Bynoe defeated Taylor Darling 53.44% 6,253 votes Taylor R. Darling 46.56% 5,448 votes.  There were 50 write-in votes. Bynoe will now face Thomas Montefinise of Oceanside in the November general election.
Montefinise is a deputy Nassau County attorney.

Darling had to give her Assembly seat to run for the upper house. In the primary to succeed her, Noah Burroughs prevailed with 2,727 votes vs. Lisa Ortiz’s 2,556 votes.

Burroughs is a Hempstead village trustee who played safety for the NY Jets for three seasons ending in 2003. He faces Republican Danielle Smikle in November for the Assembly seat.

In a brief phone interview Wednesday (6/26), Burroughs said he was invigorated by the campaign and looking forward to continuing his dialog with voters. He said his priorities are early and collegiate education, improved infrastructure and “restabilizing” Nassau University, which has been struggling with financial losses.

Burroughs said West Hempstead, like other surrounding areas, needs greater representation since it is unincorporated and has no direct government. “In a sense it is not flourishing and thriving.” He said he’d like to see more education available for small business owners because “many businesses fail because they don’t have a good business model.”

It was a boring primary day for West Hempsteaders at the polls, with only the two Democrat races on the ballot. Republicans got to stay home. There were no GOP primaries on Long Island.