HANC School Groundbreaking On Hempstead Avenue

HANC Groundbreaking (Echo Image)

Under a blue sky, politicians including Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, school officials, sponsors, young students and community supporters gathered at the current Hebrew Academy Of Nassau County parking lot to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new Reinstein Family Campus. 

With music, food and festivities all around, The Echo caught up with Racheli Kraut Hackel, Executive Director of HANC who told us “It’s joyous, a culmination of so much effort. Obviously there is so much more to do but to take that first initial step is so exciting, so rewarding.” 

Dan Rehman, Superintendent of Schools for the WHUFSD, along with many of the current board members were on hand.  Mr. Rehman stated “A wonderful day, I am glad the whole community had a chance to come out and celebrate this momentous occasion.  We look forward to future great things now that we have this partnership with the UPK (Universal Pre-Kindergarten), its a chance for all of us to work together.” 

Congrats to the many HANC families and faculty who live in the community!