Second Woodfield Press Conference In Two Days [Video Coverage]

In a sign that politicians and candidates for office alike recognize local traffic safety as a hot-button issue, Woodfield Road saw its second press conference in 24 hours on Tuesday (8/22),

Jake Scheiner,  the Democratic nominee for the Nassau County Legislature’s District 14 seat, called for safety improvements at the corner of Woodfield Road and Maple Street, a day after the man he hopes to unseat,  the GOP’s Bill Gaylor III held a similar event. Gaylor had appeared with other officials and residents at the site where a new traffic light will be installed in the next few weeks, at the intersection of Linden and Woodfield. That site has seen two fatal accidents in recent months. Scheiner had announced his event last week.

In the most recent incident on Aug. 10, near the site of Tuesday’s press conference, a 73-year-old pedestrian was struck at the corner of Woodfield and Oakford, near Western Beef supermarket. She was critically injured, and the 82-year-old driver remained at the scene and reported the accident, Newsday said.

Scheiner said one traffic light isn’t enough, and called for additional measures on Woodfield, such as speed bumps and stop signs.

Other speakers at Scheiner’s event includes Sagine Pierre, President of the West Hempstead Chamber of Commerce and residents of Woodfield who have been fighting for safety upgrades, in some cases, for decades. “I have been a crusader,” said Robert Harris, one of the residents. “But it’s not enough.” He cited continuous incidents of illegal passing, speeding and tailgating that have led residents to call the road “Woodfield Drag Racing Strip.”

Scheiner said traffic safety is “not a political issue, it’s a human issue,” and called for unity among leaders and residents to make changes,